Teams Tactics

(9 customer reviews)

From: £175.00


Want to learn a new form of the game? Unsure of the right strategy when playing in your club league matches? This seminar will teach you the tactics for playing IMP scoring.

9 reviews for Teams Tactics

  1. SF

    I was most interested in what Charlie said about pushing boundaries and bidding thin games and why. I would very much like to know more about the maths and probabilities behind those decisions. I found the Mesh concept difficult and as for constructing partner’s hand … Blimey, that was clever stuff! I liked what he said about the advantage of having a regular partner if you are going to play aggressively as you can count the scoring benefits of say the last 10 hands rather than focus on the one gamble that went badly off. Bet he doubles a lot more than any of us do!

  2. JW

    It was excellent.

  3. CW

    I thought the seminar was excellent. In my opinion, one of the things that made it so worthwhile was that the numbers were small so a lot of interaction was possible and made the whole experience seem personal. For me, the 2 most useful things were being much more aware of the scoring in teams and how vital it is to bid competitive games and not the end of the world to go off!!. The other thing was downgrading or upgrading cards (usually honours) in relation to your partner’s hand, trying to build a picture of your partner’s hand and being very aware of a double fit. Very useful.

  4. CBr

    I loved the “Multiple Fits” section, but also it was great to have the section on ‘Safety Plays” – I need to cater more often for the 4-0 split, and not be so gung-ho playing on a whim and prayer. Many thanks to Charlie for the excellent tips.

  5. BT

    I really enjoyed the session.

  6. GJ

    It was excellent. I learnt a few things but my best takeaway was to plan for a bad trump split even if it might cost an overtrick.

  7. HL

    I enjoyed this seminar on Teams Tactics, very well presented by Charlie Bucknell. As both bidding and playing differ in many ways from Contract or Duplicate bridge is was good to hear some of these differences. Assessing when to take chances and when to play safe were particularly helpful to me. There is much more to learn! When to Double the opponent, when to use sacrifice tactics, best defence are just some further areas to explore. I would be very interested to attend more seminars.

  8. DY

    I thought Charlie was excellent…the Andrew Robson of tomorrow. The tip I picked up was not to lie with a Major but that it was okay with a Minor where you are bidding two over one and have the points but four not five cards in the suit.

  9. Aine Fox

    Fantastic! Loved that it was a smallish group so that everyone could follow what was being taught with enough time for group level appropriate questions. My attention didn’t wander for a second. Rare for me! I was really grateful for the comprehensive notes as there were some concepts I couldn’t pick up fully in the moment – such as why and when to push for games over sacrificing and hand construction – with the notes, I can now process these later. I would love to learn more about Doubling and Sacrificing in Teams Competitions.

    I believe that Charlie could really help us to improve our teams performance in the Bucks & Berks Leagues. We are aiming to enter at least one extra team next September.

    Having an international player as Coach is likely to encourage more people to play in teams events in and for the club.

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